Feng Shui Tibétain (Francoise CHEVALIER) Le Feng Shuǐ – Écouter : signifie littéralement «le vent et l’eau». En Chine, on appelle généralement la discipline «feng shui xue» l’étude du vent et de l’eau. C’est un art chinois millénaire dont le but est d’harmoniser l’énergie environnementale le «Qì» d’un lieu de manière à favoriser la santé, le bien-être et la prospérité de ses occupants. Cet art vise à agencer les habitations en fonction des flux visibles (les cours d’eau) et invisibles (les vents) pour obtenir un équilibre des forces et une circulation d’énergie. Il s’agit d’un des arts taoïstes, au même titre que la médecine chinoise traditionnelle (MTC) ou l’acupuncture, avec lesquelles il partage un tronc commun de connaissances. La première trace d’utilisation des principes de base du Feng Shui en Chine remonte approximativement entre 4.000 et 4.500 ans avant JC. Dans la province de «Yangshao», des tombes furent découvertes, ayant appliqué un système de placement et d’organisation selon des principes qui fonderont plus tard les bases du Feng Shui. Cet art ancien porte le nom de Kan Yu ou Kwan Yu. Les premiers éléments remarquables sur ce site étaient basés sur les principes des 4 Animaux Célestes et des orientations cardinales. (Sources : Wikipédia)
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Feng Shuǐ – Listen: literally means « wind and water ». In China, the discipline is generally called « xue feng shui » the study of wind and water. It is an ancient Chinese art that aims to harmonize environmental energy « Qi » a place to promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupants. This art is designed to match the home based flow visible (rivers) and invisible (the winds) to obtain a balance of power and energy flow. This is one of the Taoist arts, as well as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture, with which it shares a common core of knowledge. The first trace of use of the basic principles of Feng Shui in China dates back approximately 4000 and 4500 BC. In the province of « Yangshao ‘tombs were discovered, having applied a system of placement and organization according to the principles who founded later the basis of Feng Shui. This ancient art is called Kan Yu Kwan Yu, or The first notable features on this site were based on the principles of the 4 Heavenly Pets and cardinal directions. (Source: Wikipedia)
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Découvrir, lire la suite
Feng Shuǐ – Listen: literally means « wind and water ». In China, the discipline is generally called « xue feng shui » the study of wind and water. It is an ancient Chinese art that aims to harmonize environmental energy « Qi » a place to promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupants. This art is designed to match the home based flow visible (rivers) and invisible (the winds) to obtain a balance of power and energy flow. This is one of the Taoist arts, as well as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture, with which it shares a common core of knowledge. The first trace of use of the basic principles of Feng Shui in China dates back approximately 4000 and 4500 BC. In the province of « Yangshao ‘tombs were discovered, having applied a system of placement and organization according to the principles who founded later the basis of Feng Shui. This ancient art is called Kan Yu Kwan Yu, or The first notable features on this site were based on the principles of the 4 Heavenly Pets and cardinal directions. (Source: Wikipedia)
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[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSXjGfJsSYo&w=640&h=360]