Feng Shui Tibétain (Francoise CHEVALIER) (édité par Bernard TRITZ) – Sankhu, village historique du Népal, niché au pied de l’Himalaya, est un ancien relais-étape de porteurs vers le Tibet. Son histoire remonte au 4ème siècle et il conserve son caractère médiéval avec ses rues étroites et ses demeures paysannes en bois sculpté. Les montagnes de l’Himalaya sont d’une hauteur telle qu’il semble que la terre frôle les nuages, se confondant avec le ciel. Depuis toujours ce village est un lieu de passage pour les pèlerins qui se rendent vers les monastères de l’Himalaya, et depuis quelques années, ce sont les randonneurs et leurs sherpas qui viennent réveiller ce lieu endormi. En tant que visiteurs occidentaux, nous sommes fascinés tant par la beauté des paysages que par la gentillesse des népalais. Il existe un lien étroit entre la montagne et la spiritualité de l’endroit. Transposez cette image népalaise ou toute autre reproduction de sommet derrière votre siège, vous donnez de la hauteur et une ambiance « solide » à votre bureau ou lieu de travail.
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Feng Shui, Nepal – Françoise Chevalier (edited by Bernard Tritz) – Sankhu, historic village of Nepal, nestled at the foot of the Himalayas, is a former step-bearers to Tibet. Its history dates back to the 4th century and it retains its medieval character with narrow streets and peasant dwellings carved wood. The Himalayan mountains are high enough that it seems that the earth is approaching clouds, merging with the sky. Since this village is always a crossing point for pilgrims traveling to the monasteries of the Himalayas, and in recent years, it is the hikers and Sherpas who come to wake up this sleepy place. As Western visitors, as we are fascinated by the beautiful scenery by the kindness of the Nepalese. There is a strong link between the mountain and the spirituality of the place. Transpose this image Nepalese or any other reproduction of the top behind your head, you give up the atmosphere and « solid » to your office or workplace.
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Feng Shui, Nepal – Françoise Chevalier (edited by Bernard Tritz) – Sankhu, historic village of Nepal, nestled at the foot of the Himalayas, is a former step-bearers to Tibet. Its history dates back to the 4th century and it retains its medieval character with narrow streets and peasant dwellings carved wood. The Himalayan mountains are high enough that it seems that the earth is approaching clouds, merging with the sky. Since this village is always a crossing point for pilgrims traveling to the monasteries of the Himalayas, and in recent years, it is the hikers and Sherpas who come to wake up this sleepy place. As Western visitors, as we are fascinated by the beautiful scenery by the kindness of the Nepalese. There is a strong link between the mountain and the spirituality of the place. Transpose this image Nepalese or any other reproduction of the top behind your head, you give up the atmosphere and « solid » to your office or workplace.
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Au pied de la vallée, seuil incontournable vers les sommets…